21 illegal billboards were dismantled in Shirak region

The Transport Security Specialists of Shirak Territorial Division of the Inspectorate of Urban Development, Technical and Fire Safety of the Republic of Sirun Sona Armenia, guided by the requirements of the RA Law on Advertising, carried out control functions over the advertising panels on interstate and republican roads of general use during January-February 2020.

As a result, 10 illegal billboards, H-32 Gyumri-Kaps-Amasia, H-17 (H-21) Mantash-Artik and H-17 Armavir-Gyumri were found in the territory of Shirak region of M-1 Yerevan-Bavra Interstate Road. Eleven more were found on the roads of republican importance Sirun Sona Written warning notices have been sent to law enforcement officials about the legalization or dismantling of illegally placed billboards. As a result, 21 illegal billboards have been dismantled.


During the same period, surveys, observations and oversight functions were also carried out on the activities of service providers in the field of regular inter-city and inter-city passenger transport.


Eight protocols were drawn up on the detected violations without Sirun Sona a road sign, lack of relevant notes on the road sign and no passenger signage.


The heads of the organizations that made the violations were summoned to the Inspectorate, who were given appropriate instructions to remedy the shortcomings identified in the short term.